A Workshop Concept Case Study
The Problem
Create a workshop that will empower students (post-graduation) to approach decision-making with confidence and clarity and to navigate the post-graduation transition with a sense of purpose and direction.
Facilitate a self-discovery process that empowers recent undergraduate students to make more informed and authentic decisions about their post-graduation plans. Participants will have the opportunity to uncover surprising insights about themselves and their aspirations through interactive exercises and reflective discussions.
Measuring Success
Participants should leave with a better understanding of themselves and what their ideal future could look like. Through their conversations, they may have drawn new conclusions and learned from each other.
User Profile
User Persona
Concept Mapping
Workshop Wireframe (Tracy’s Version)
The Advice Giver always aligned with the participants’ future selves. Whereas, the other version always aligned with the past.
Was the past self necessary for the workshop?
Concept Map
Final Version of Concept Map
Moving forward I decided to omit the “Version of Yourself You Would NOT Take Advice from”. It was useful in learning what the participants did not want to be. However, for the purpose of visualizing the future, it may not be needed. The map still leads to the outcomes without that branch.
Adapted Workshop Wireframe (Nathan’s Version)
Advice Giver’s Environment
Users associated this version of themselves with the future. Therefore, by physically building this person’s life they would be creating a model for their own future life. This activity will allow them to abstract the future in a playful way. In turn, taking an edge off of the intimidating idea of “what’s next”.
In this case, the participant (Nathan) noted these connections to his Advice Giver and their Environment.
Being child-like
Physically and mentally good for you
Being around others: people are what make life enjoyable
I put climbing shoes on my guy: It’s an important aspect of my life it helps me get out of my head
Finding work that is fulfilling - I like to work on cars
Story Board
Advice Giver Diagram
Environment Examples
The Environment and Its Importance
The environment adds to the ideals of the Advice Giver. Where they are, what they are doing, and who they are with are all prompts for discovering what is important to them. -their values and their identity.
References and Attributions
Icons from https://thenounproject.com/
Illustrations from Freepik https://www.freepik.com/
Photos and Screen grabs from https://avatar.lego.com/ & https://www.lego.com/en-ca/themes/city
Persona Template from Ben Diegi https://www.figma.com/community/file/1214669066039788206
Thank You
A special thank you to all of my wireframe workshop participants:
Tracy, Andrea, Hannah, and Nathan